Pause a moment, will you please.
Glance down and answer, in your mind, some of the following simple questions?
* Born before WWII?
* Experienced living as a youngster during WWII?
* Raised on the banks of the River Mersey, during those war-torn and weary years?
* Were you part of WWII classroom overcrowding?
* Used as Guinea-pig upon introduction of School Dinners?
* Found WWII Blitz scary or an exciting gigantic firework display?
I believe, all of YOU, who’ve read the aforelisted; then having easily and responsibly responded, are competent and capable enough to recall a revealing deeply penetrating and emotional anecdotal time-capsule of those special early years of your life, which would persuade others scanning the replies, they were reading a gripping narrative.
And yes, ALL submissions would be slightly different, but just as significant.
An ageing generation, but not incapable of remembering or recalling to mind those frightening, but exciting, times?
If the answer is -TRUE, there is still time to reflect and recall.
Not used to writing about this subject?
Just pause and decide that: Yes, you can!
Start with a single sentence, on that long journey back into that youthful and spirited yesteryear.
Don’t shake your head, just try it…?
The CAN-DO spirit is not the sole possession of the young and the more educated.
…Like an artists creating a picture with oils on canvas, you can spawn a storyline with blacklead or inked words on a blank piece of paper.
Pick up a sharpened pencil or ball-point pen, and in your words and in your own good time, knowing that relatives will guide and help you perfect this personal and sacred presentation, make that start.
Just think!
Do it for others, and your own close loving relatives, as a testimonial to shed intimate and private mental pictures of family life, on what was.
To light up the past and make the present proud of their venerated kinship.
What better gift to the young of today, from the youth of yesterday?
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