What the kids in the gang, talk about!

The boys of his gang, during their rare chat and discussions about the opposite gender -girls, or ‘gerls’ as they were won’t to refer to in pure Scouse dialect, raised the ‘deadly sin’ subject. Namely women-of-the-night, fancy ladies, those of ‘easy virtue’ who only kissed for dosh!
“Sinners?” smirked one.
Another opined. “My mum said they’re husband stealers!”
“Not alwus. Cos, I heard me bruther telling’ one of his mates that they go with anyone!”
“What does that mean?” another voice chirped up.
“Don’t have to be married, like!”
“But,” interrupted a voice, “the fellahs who are married could pretend they wasn’t?!
“Yeah!” was a chorus of excited voices, -Are they these ladies-of-the night?”
“Where d’you get ladies-of-the-night, malarkey ?”
“Well, me bruder sayin’ they on’y comes out at night,” the boy replied.
“Where?” questioned an eager voice.
“Where what?” a naïve whisper ventured.
“Where does ladies-of-the-night come out, arsehole?”
“In town, someplace,” shrugged the face supplying the intelligence, and added. “Just outside the boosers by the back-entry jiggers.”
“For a kiss-an’-a-cuddle?”
“Sounds, the gear!” cackled a high-pitched voice. “Got me all of a doodar...”
“Get Him!” screeched the boy alongside derisively, followed by a chorus of erupted laughter.

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