about the author

Bernard Fredericks was born in Liverpool. He is a freelance writer; also, he has contributed a multiplicity of published articles to various magazines, newspapers, and on occasions, local radio. Bernard was also an active member of a Northwest Writers’ Club, and for some years, he served as an editor of a monthly arts magazine published in North West England. He released his first book, a WWII trilogy about Liverpool kids titled Escape from the Blitz, After the Blitz, and Beyond the Blitz. Bernard is married, with a grown-up family and presently residing in North Wales, where he’s working on new scripts for future publication.

About the Books



SHIRE MAGAZINE Hails New Book 1 Publication in July-August Issue!SHIRE MAGAZINE publishes and distributes copies to outlets and stands, mainly in supermarkets such as Sainsbury's, Tesco, Morrisons, an ........

Yet Another Successful AM Book Publication Is Advertised in SHIRE MAGAZINEPlease i

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LIVERPOOL KIDS OF WWII Trilogy Advertised North Wales Publication

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Moving Machinery Can Be Dangerous!

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The Post-WWII Years 1946/7

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What the kids in the gang, talk about!

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